Saturday, June 12, 2010


This is one of my favorite shots. I was wandering early in the morning for a good picture for uploading to clouds project. They are staying near by the place where I stay. The woman became conscious the moment she saw me. Alas I had a zoom lens.But I could capture in time. The interesting aspect of the picture is the the kid. Children sleeping behind her and she just woke up.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


She was sitting beneath a tree
the sun was hot..
the earth too..
I could see a thousand feelings in her face
Feelings... Feelings...
Life has taught her.. she mingt be a seventy, eighty..or may be more

life never stops
I dont know she might be posing to a camera
for the first time!
she is away from all the hush..
world and web and she might not be knowing that
she is on the web
thousand faces see her face
but the time passes and leaves marks on her face book!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


The sun set which I described earlier with a different mood. This neem tree stood like silhouette and the leaves look like a beautiful design on the Saree. I clicked the camera and the result is astonishing.


Sun rise is more fascinating than sun-set. However I went to the west in the evening int hot summer-day.It was around 6PM but the soil and everything around was hot.It must be around 42C. But the sun was dipping behind the western mountains with clouds playing and the rays of light coming was really mind blowing.


It is well said that a picture tells a thousand words. I have been shooting pictures and uploading to clouds365. Nikon Asia, via face book. It is very interesting to see comments on your photos. Previously we were unable to share photos with a larger community. Thank you face-book.  I will try to fill my blog with latest photos.